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30 years of ERA congress: A federal future for the European Union?
30 years of ERA congress: Digital sovereignty in technology and rule-setting: why (not) and how?
30 years of ERA congress: A New Budgetary Regime for Europe
30 years 30 cases: Peter Gauweiler and Others v Deutscher Bundestag (C-62/14)
Bloomberg Surveillance 11/14/2024
Federal European State. The Future or Utopia?
Bloomberg Surveillance 11/13/2024
The US elections and an uncertain future: implications for the EU
Republicans Win US House, ASML Upholds Bullish Outlook on AI Demand | The Opening Trade 11/14
STATE OF ASIA 2024 – The State of China and its Future with the New U.S. Administration
The Europe of European Integration and its Vicissitudes; Past, Present and Future - Mathieu Segers
Anu Bradford - The Brussels Effect: How the European Union Rules the World